This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week! ❤💙❤ We have always had an amazing community in Whitesville, where we look out for each other. "Imagine a world where you can succeed by being nice. Where we all pay it forward. Where people look out for each other. It all starts with an act." Let's make kindness the norm at WCS and in our world!
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
So proud of our students that attended the ACSMA Solo Fest in Fillmore. All of our soloists earned either an Excellent or Outstanding rating for the first solo festival of the year. Way to go!! 💙🤍💙
about 1 year ago, Becky Freeman-Brauen
WCS 7th-12th grade music students enjoyed a trip to a Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra concert!
about 1 year ago, Becky Freeman-Brauen
This year's theme for Children's Dental Health Month is "Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles". Attitudes and habits established at an early age are critical in maintaining good oral health throughout life. We have coloring pages and other activity pages to encourage the students to think about healthy dental habits. We want to keep children's smiles beautiful now and for years to come!🦷🪥
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles
HOORAY! It's the 100th day!!
about 1 year ago, District Notices
100th day of school
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
100th day of school!
February is Heart Health Month ♥️ and Children's Dental Health Month 🦷🪥. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Did you know that brushing your teeth and eating healthy foods keeps your teeth and your heart healthy too? Other things to do to keep your heart healthy are: • Keep moving. Exercise as a family; ride bikes, take a walk, go swimming, or play games outside. • Be positive. • Limit screen time. • Schedule checkups before sports season. • Keep healthy options on hand to eat. • Check salt intake. Let's be healthy together!💪🏻💙
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
Heart Health
Mosaic Health Community Dental rescheduled their return visit to Whitesville School. They will be coming on Monday, February 5 to provide fluoride treatments to students age 6 and under who had been treated by them in the fall. Professional fluoride treatments are only administered by a dental professional and provide many great benefits for the teeth. It is a preventive therapy, which helps your body naturally fight cavities. Contact Mrs. Barner, School Nurse, if you have any questions. Healthy teeth make students smile!
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
Mosaic Health Community Dentristry
It's been a great week for reading 💙🤍💙
about 1 year ago, District Notices
Mosaic Health Community Dental will be returning to Whitesville Central School on Wednesday, January 31! The dental hygienist will be putting sealants on the teeth of those children 6 and under who had exams and cleanings 3 months ago. Sealants are an effective shield that protects children's teeth from cavities. Contact Mrs. Barner, School Nurse, if you have any questions. We love encouraging healthy smiles!
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
Mosaic Dental
Congratulations to Holden, Graham and Garrett for representing WCS at ACSMA All County Festival I for Intermediate Band and Senior High Show Choir. The performances were fantastic and we are so proud of you!
about 1 year ago, Becky Freeman-Brauen
all county 1
Athletics Update: The girls varsity basketball game tonight vs J-T has been postponed due to J-T's school cancellation.
about 1 year ago, Aaron Rawady
We've all heard “it's better to give than receive”. What might surprise you is this is actually backed up by research. Those who are kind, generous and compassionate experience clear benefits to their well-being and happiness. They may even live longer! Kindness also helps reduce stress and improves emotional well-being. That includes being kind to yourself as well as others. So, in a world where you can be anything, be kind!
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
The boys varsity game from today has been rescheduled to Monday, January 15th at 11:45am at Alfred State. The bus will depart from Whitesville at 10:30am and pickup in Andover.
about 1 year ago, Aaron Rawady
Athletics Update: The boys varsity game today at Alfred State has been postponed.
about 1 year ago, Aaron Rawady
Athletics Update: The modified girls and boys basketball games in Andover tomorrow (1/13) have been postponed.
about 1 year ago, Aaron Rawady
Did you know that at least 1 in 7 high school students vape? Many think that vaping is harmless, but the aerosol in vapes can contain harmful chemicals and metals that get inhaled into the lungs. Here is a link for parents to learn more about how to talk to teens about vaping:
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
Vaping Misconceptions
📢All afterschool activities are canceled for this evening. This includes sports practices, basketball games, after school study hall, musical practice, and the YMCA afterschool program. Have a safe evening. 💙
about 1 year ago, District Notices
At WCS, we want everyone to have a Healthy and Happy New Year! Just a reminder that washing hands with soap and water is still the most effective way to prevent the spread of illness. Using hand sanitizer is effective as well. There are times when one of the methods are better but stopping the spread of germs and staying healthy is the goal for both!
about 1 year ago, Health & Wellness
Hand Sanitizer
There's still time to order your Yearbook! Take advantage of the Pre-Sale price until December 31st. Regular price returns to $40/book on January 1st. Order online NOW! Happy Holidays from the WCS Yearbook Team!
about 1 year ago, District Notices
WCS Yearbook Pre-Sale Ad 2
Our CTE Home & Careers classes have all been practicing their kitchen skills so far this year. They research recipes from smoothies, pancakes, and fancy salads, and then vote on which one they'll make. Today, they mixed their own dressing, took orders, and hand delivered this amazing Caesar Salad to teachers during their holiday celebration. Check out their receipe here! Great job Blue Jays!
about 1 year ago, District Notices
WCS CTE Home And Careers
WCS CTE Home And Careers